Self publishing can be one of
the most rewarding endeavours one
can achieve, or it can be an
expensive lesson. We can
minimise your risk and maximise
your profits and assist in
achieving your publishing goals by
providing expert in-house print
trade knowledge and traditional
book publishing experience that
comes with just the price of your
Publishing - Where do I Start?
You've done the hard work - your
manuscript's almost ready to
publish...What next?
Publish Australia can match your
desired publishing outcomes with
an appropriate level of book
production within your budget.
We offer everything from simple
book printing, delivered to your
doorstep, through to full design,
layout and publishing services
including an option to enable your
book to be available from any
bookstore within Australia and
available for purchase worldwide
Fill in the Quote
Request form here,
and we will get back to you with
various costings and options

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